Companion piece to Jentery's "Before You Make a Thing," this is not just an incredible list of prototyping techniques, it also makes an argument for prototyping as a critical methodology for understanding the world.
"All it takes is a mouth and a phone" - Brilliant parody of the DNA-testing industry
"All it takes is a mouth and a phone" - Brilliant parody of the DNA-testing industry
Tips include "Look slowly," "Look repeatedly," "Follow the quiet," and "Let a stranger lead you"
Tips include "Look slowly," "Look repeatedly," "Follow the quiet," and "Let a stranger lead you"
Maybe I should add “deep painting” to the glitching and databending section of my “Hacking, Remixing, and Design” seminar...
Maybe I should add “deep painting” to the glitching and databending section of my “Hacking, Remixing, and Design” seminar...
Yeah, I think I’m stealing this for my spring Hacking, Remixing, and Design course.
Yeah, I think I’m stealing this for my spring Hacking, Remixing, and Design course.
Seriously thinking about making a rapid response research project part of my spring “Hacking, Remixing, and Design” seminar.
Seriously thinking about making a rapid response research project part of my spring “Hacking, Remixing, and Design” seminar.
Paige Morgan's engagement with Tsing's theory of nonscalability is worth including in my DIG 401 (Hacking, Remixing, and Design) class.